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Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) | Acapella Cover


An “a cappella” cover of Imagine Dragons’ “Radioactive”.
Arranged by Moktadir Dewan Shanto (BeatBaksho).

The whole song has been arranged by nothing but vocals and beatbox. No other instruments were used in the making of the song.

Vocals/Harmony/Beatbox/Additional Layers – Moktadir Dewan Shanto (Blunderware/Avoidrafa)
Lead Vocals/Harmony – Xefer Rahman
Recorded Studio Warp by Rezwan Ashraf (Shrapnel Method/S.I.X)

For more details about the artists and producer:
Shanto a.k.a BeatBaksho – |
Xefer Rahman – |
Studio Warp –

Feel free to LIKE | SHARE | FOLLOW 🙂

(“Radioactive” is originally by Imagine Dragons from the album “Night Visions” –

Source by BeatBaksho

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Madness | Acappella Cover


An “a cappella” cover of “Madness” by Muse by Moktadir Dewan Shanto a.k.a BeatBaksho.

The whole song has been arranged by nothing but vocals and beatbox. There were no instruments used, even the guitar solo was done by mouth except for the addition of a guitar amp effect.

All vocals layers & beatbox by Moktadir Dewan Shanto (Blunderware/Avoidrafa)
Sung by Sifat Hasan Apurbo (Transcend/Absent Element )
Recorded Studio Warp by Rezwan Ashraf (Shrapnel Method/S.I.X)

Note: This is JUST a DEMO. The video of this cover will be uploaded in the next few days with the mixed & mastered version.

Brought to you by:
BeatBaksho – |
Studio Warp –

Feel free to LIKE | SHARE | FOLLOW 🙂

(“Madness” is originally by Muse from the album “The 2nd Law” –

Source by BeatBaksho

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Cholo Bangladesh (CF) Acappella Version by BeatBaksho, BD YouTubers, The Stars & YOU


Powered by Bongo (
The Acappalla version of Cryptic Fate’s famous “Cholo Bangladesh”, arranged and co-ordinated by BeatBaksho (

Everything in this song has been done with use of vocals, beatbox and body percussions. No other instruments were used.

Artists featured in the acappella audio version:

Farhan Samad (Cryptic Fate)
Elita Karim
Sufi (Arbovirus)
Rafa (Avoidrafa/Aurthohin)
BeatBaksho a.k.a Shanto (Blunderware/Avoidrafa)
Sifat Hasan (Transcendence/Absent Element)
Rubayet, Shuvro & Abtahi (Studio 13)
Ronesh (Han-x)
Deep (S.I.X)
Shoshi (Moon Stars Studio)

Radio Partner: Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM
Video Produced by Finding Bangladesh
Supported by Bangladesh YouTubers.

Source by Bongo

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Book Writing & Publishing Masterclass -Passion2Published — Dhaka


Event description
Learn The Book Publishing & Writing Blueprint to effectively write, publish and market your book that will help to be a published author

About this event

Learn The Best Book Publishing & Writing Blueprint to effectively write,publish and market your book that will help to be a published author

“Book Writing and Publishing Workshop” – Become an Author in 2021

Welcome to the Book Writing and Publishing Workshop by Susmita, Founding Partner and CEO of Global Book Publishing.

It is a 2 hour workshop, where Susmita teaches you Perfect Book Writing and Publishing Strategy right from scratch, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the book publishing process.

Feel like you are not getting anywhere with your book writing because you get stuck with no one to give you feedback ? 😕

Getting frustrated with no response from traditional publishing houses 📕 ?

Wondering what is the best way to write or publish your book?

Figuring a way to find the best chance of your book being a success?

I’m sure these questions are all sure to be on top-of-mind for any aspiring author!

In this workshop, Susmita is going to show you exactly how you too can become an author of a well-published book within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 15 years and thousands of people have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE.

During this Masterclass, you will learn exactly how to write and publish your book in the next 60 days, including:

  • 👍Strategies – How to Start Writing and Publishing your book TODAY, irrespective of which ‘Publishing Path’ you choose
  • 🙅🏽‍♀️Mistakes – Learn the top 5 Mistakes to avoid you must avoid while publishing
  • 📄 How to market your book right and convert your book into a recurring source of income
  • 🚀 A detailed step-by-step explanation of the Complete Publishing Process
  • 📚 Pros and Cons of Different Publishing Paths
  • 💰 Royalties and Cost associated with each type of books
  • 📦 Global Distribution of your Book
  • ☝️ The insider secrets to successfully publish a best-selling book
  • 🚀Guaranteed – Over 20,000 students have learned this format and it has worked, I guarantee that you will be at the next level in your Book Publishing Journey after attending this masterclass
  • 💻ONLINE Event – This is a live and interactive ONLINE Masterclass.

In case you miss the live session, I will send you the recording of the live session, but I would suggest you to attend live because you would be able to ask the questions and learn much more.

Frequently asked questions…

  • Is it in-person Masterclass or virtual Masterclass? This is a virtual Masterclass and you can attend it from the comfort of your home
  • Is this workshop helpful to non-fiction writers or children books ? Definitely! The processes and strategies taught are geared towards everyone, including non-fiction writers, fiction writers and children book writers. The template is useful if you are looking for a job or are currently working and looking to make a change in your career or even if you’re applying to a new school.
  • Would you help me decide which Publishing Path to choose? Yes, we cover about the different publishing paths and pros/cons of each path, so that you can choose the best path to move forward and publish your book
  • What is an ISBN and is it mandatory to have ISBN? An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric code used to uniquely identify a book, right down to the language, publisher, edition – and whether it is an ebook, paperback or hardcover. The ISBN helps customers identify and order the exact book they want to purchase. Libraries, bookstores, online retailers, distributors, and wholesalers depend on this unique identifier to track purchases and sales, and it will be necessary to apply for an ISBN if you intend to sell to them.

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. One of the best publishing workshops I have ever attended. Keep up the good work.”

—Yun Maize

“Before attending the workshop, I thought it is going to all about selling but I was amazed by the amount of knowledge Susmita shares about the different world’s of publishing and how it should be done, I am thrilled to have attended this workshop.”

—Sylvia Gomez

“The best publishing workshop I have attended so far. The host teaches everything about book publishing. The amount of information I have received in these 90 minutes is invaluable. Thank you for doing this.”

—Marlene M.


		Book Writing & Publishing Masterclass -Passion2Published  — Dhaka  image

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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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Book Pre-Launch Success Masterclass: Get Paid To Publish — Dhaka


Event description
Learn The Book Pre-Launch Blueprint to effectively create, build and monetize your brand & your business around your book

About this event

Learn The Book Pre-Launch Blueprint to effectively create, build and monetize your brand & your business around your book

Learn The Book Pre-Launch Blueprint to effectively create, build and monetize your brand & your business around your book

“Book Pre-launch Success Masterclass” – How to Build A Business Around Your Book and Become a Successful Author in 2021

Welcome to the “How to Make Your Book A Big Success Even Before It Is Published” Workshop by Sush and Ash, Founding Partners of Global Book Publishing.

You’ve almost finished your draft and you start shopping around for publishing quotes.

One editor quotes $1,200 and another quotes $5,000. One designer will charge $500, while another charges $2,000. And then you approach an end-to-end publishing company who will charge $12,000 for the lot – editing, design, eBook, printing and distribution.

Regardless of where your suppliers sit, self-publishing a high-quality book isn’t cheap, with quotes ranging anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000+.

And then comes…

“I can’t afford to publish my book right now.”

Infact, More and more self-published authors are realizing that to publish a professional book, they need to hire a professional publishing team—editors, designers, printers, distributors, and more. The problem: Where are they supposed to find $5k to $15k+ to publish their book? What if they don’t have the extra cash on hand to publish your work? Do you sit on that manuscript and wait years until you can cash in your 401(k)?

We hear this a lot. And we get it–publishing can be a large investment for many people, and sometimes publishing seems like it can wait. But when we hear authors shying away from a publishing project because of funding, we simply smile and say, “Not so fast!” There are proven ways to monetize the pre-launch period of your publishing project, so if you’re looking to publish but don’t have the means, then this masterclass is for YOU!

Whether you need money for editing, the design of the book, printing, the marketing, or all of it, you can find the capital you need.

It is a 2 hour workshop, where Ash teaches you the hidden secrets on how you too can build a business around your book and monetize the pre-launch period, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the book pre-launch/publishing process.

In case you miss the live session, you will still be able to watch the recordings of the live session.

Frequently asked questions…

  • Is it in-person Masterclass or virtual Masterclass? This is a virtual Masterclass and you can attend it from the comfort of your home
  • Is this workshop helpful to non-fiction writers or children books ? Definitely! The processes and strategies taught are geared towards everyone, including non-fiction writers, fiction writers and children book writers.
  • What If I only have an Idea and haven’t started writing yet? It doesn’t matter which stage you are at, you will be able to get funding for your book even if you have an idea/or just a thought of it.

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. One of the best publishing workshops I have ever attended. Keep up the good work.”

—Yun Maize

“Before attending the workshop, I thought it is going to all about selling but I was amazed by the amount of knowledge Ash shares about the different world’s of publishing and how it should be done, I am thrilled to have attended this workshop.”

—Sylvia Gomez

“The best publishing workshop I have attended so far. The host teaches everything about book publishing. The amount of information I have received in these 90 minutes is invaluable. Thank you for doing this.”

—Marlene M.


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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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