About this event
Racism is at the forefront of all conversations today in this country. America was built upon racism and is a part of all systems and structures. In order to eliminate racism, white America must solve this problem. The Black community is critical in giving whites and other non-Blacks the real history and the Black experience.
The first step is to acknowledge white privilege. To do that, we invite you to join us and take the “White Privilege Test” during “Come Meet A Black Person” networking event where non-Blacks interact genuinely with a group of diverse Black people. “Come Meet A Black Person” is an open forum for human beings to start better relationships with each other across our cultural and racial differences.
“Come Meet A Black Person” is open to all races and cultures and includes guest speakers, interactive questionnaires, open conversations and an awesome group of participants. We will interact in #RacismTalkRooms and #BlackExperienceRooms as we do our part in eradicating racism in America.
Once you register for a ticket to the event here, the Zoom join information will be on the ticket. Here is the Zoom registration link – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qdOChqDIuG9yPq32a3uoXh_CxQ__Ynxs3
12/12/2021 – Topics: (1) What Does the guilty verdict of the Murderers of Ahmaud Arbery Say About the United States and It’s Justice System? (2) The Whiteness of Wealth – Part II – Giveaway (3) Stop Pointing at Asian Americans to Downplay Racism Against Blacks (4) What white people can do in 2022 to change things.
We will discuss the Arbery verdict, and look at the racial microaggressions and tropes demonstrated during the trial. Also, we will have part two of our whiteness of wealth discussion. As we close out the year, we will have a conversation about the United States’ long history of racism and what white people can do in 2022 to change things. Let’s talk!
01/09/2022 – How Can You Make A Difference in the Anti-Racism Space in 2022? We will give you tools to be a fierce advocate/ambassador for anti-racism in the USA.
2/13/2022 – What Do You Know About Black History and Culture? We will have fun discovering some historical facts that are seldom shared about the African-American and Black Culture.
Put your white privilege to good use! Join our MYWHITEALLY.COM program today.