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The Resume Makeover Masterclass — Dhaka


Event description
Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

About this event

Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

“Resume Makeover Masterclass” – Over 40,000+ People Taught!

Get Up To 17 Interviews In As Little As 3 Weeks By Making Few Small Tweaks To Your Job Search (Even If You’ve Tried Everything And Still Haven’t Been Able To Get A Job)

JOB SEEKERS: Spending Countless Hours Applying for Jobs With No Interviews?

“DISCOVER HOW I GET PAST APPLICATION SYSTEMS & GET UP TO 6 INTERVIEWS A WEEK…And How You Can Do The Same Even If You’re Struggling To Get Past Online Applications, Have Limited Experience or Limited Network!”

It is a 2-hour workshop, where Ash teaches you Proven Job Search Strategy right from scratch, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the job search process.

Feel like your resume is getting lost in a black hole when applying on job boards because you get no responses back? 😕

Confused about where and how to start the job search?

Getting frustrated with no response from recruiters and hiring managers?

Wondering why are you hardly getting any interview calls, even after sending numerous resumes?

I’m sure these questions are on top-of-mind for any job seeker!

In this workshop, Ash is going to show you exactly how you too can land your next job within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 11 years and thousands of professionals have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE.

During this Masterclass, you will learn exactly how to fix the top job search mistakes and land your next job in the next 60 days or less, including:

  • 📄Resume Template — The best resume template and format built from scratch; tried, tested, and successful at top companies around the world.
  • 🙅🏽‍♀️#1 Mistake — Discover and Avoid the #1 Mistake you are making in Your Job Search That Could Be Costing You Many Job Offers
  • 😷Understand The Pandemic Effect — Has the worldwide pandemic changed the job search process? If yes, does it hurt your current job and your next job search?
  • 👍Insider Strategies — Learn unique tips and insider strategies on why certain things matter and why other things don’t and how to best use them to give you an advantage during recruiting.
  • 🤖Beat The Bots — Learn how to beat the Applicant Tracking System and maximize your job interviews despite recent upgrades to the ATS Bot system
  • 🚀Guaranteed — Over 40,000 students have learned this format and it has worked, I guarantee that you will be a stronger candidate after attending this masterclass
  • 💻ONLINE Event — This is a live and interactive ONLINE Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Would this workshop be helpful to experienced individuals as well? Definitely! The job search strategies and template are geared towards everyone including professionals and students. The template is useful if you are looking for a job or are currently working and looking to make a change in your career or even if you’re applying to a new school.
  • What industry is this resume useful for? This workshop is useful to all industries including IT / Technology Companies, IBD, Consulting and Sales Professionals, or any other industry. It is a robust format that is accepted across all Fortune 500 companies and has proven results.
  • What if I already have a job?: If you are currently employed, even if it’s in a job you love, it’s not likely that this will be the job you have until you retire! Whether it’s for a new job, new academic program, or annual evaluation, you WILL need a resume in the future, and likely more than one. When that dream job comes along, wouldn’t you prefer to have your best resume ready to go?

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Ash coached me during a challenging time of personal and professional transition and helped me get my dream job within a month.”

—Alex G.

“Great Masterclass! Love being hands on and highly interactive workshop!

It helped me understand different aspects of Resume which I didn’t even know existed. I was able to do so much in those 2 hours, much more than I did in last 11 years. Thank you Ash for putting it together”

—Saurabh S.

“Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. One of the best career workshops I have ever attended. Keep up the good work and God bless you for giving me hope.”

—Ken B.


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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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uACT Campaign LaunchuACT Campaign Launch


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Universal Access to Counselling and Psychotherapy: a campaign to bring back relationship to therapy and support in the community

About this event

The campaign for universal Access to Counselling and Psychotherapy (uACT) launches on Saturday 29th January 2022, 10am – 1pm.

Join us, and add your voice to a campaign to bring care and connection back to the heart of our communities. Let’s push back against the ruthless rationale of the market and the undermining of the genuine, meaningful relationships that are fundamental to people’s basic needs.

See our mission statement here.

In the UK, counsellors and psychotherapists are working at one of the fault lines of a crumbling social contract. We are in the grip of what Government and the media call a “mental health crisis”, to which the response is diagnostic labels, pseudo-medical treatments and interventions designed to promote “happiness” and “wellbeing”. We believe this is dehumanising, creating a focus on individual ill-health that separates us and draw us away from the restorative potential of deeper human connection.

For decades now, the hostile takeover of NHS counselling and psychotherapy by a narrow range of “evidence-based” psychological therapies has been eroding real therapeutic relationships, which have now been all but stripped out of NHS and third sector mental health services.

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme has reorganised front line, primary care psychological services into a “cost effective” menu of short-term, utilitarian behavioural exercises.

IAPT uses misleading data to report success, inflating “recovery rates” and using standardised measures to claim recovery regardless of whether service users perceive any meaningful improvement or feel recovered. In fact, one fifth of clients receive only two sessions, and some never see a therapist – face to face or online – because their treatment comes in the form of a self-help workbooks and apps.

Meanwhile, the IAPT workforce is burning out, demoralised and worn down by a working culture often more focussed on form-filling, data manipulation and hitting targets than helping people. 2015 figures from a British Psychological Society survey reveal that being employed as an IAPT therapist is worse for your mental health than almost any other job in the UK. It is a failing provision, serving a failing social system.

In secondary care (where people are referred by their GP or primary care provider), almost all longer-term therapy provision has been removed in favour of cheaper, short-term Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and manualised treatments.

Mental health services are chronically under-funded and under-staffed, with services for children and young people particularly badly affected. Around 75 percent of young people experiencing a mental health problem are forced to wait so long their condition gets worse, some receiving no treatment at all, while specialist services are turning away one in four children referred by GPs or teachers. We must do better.

For decades, across society, the financial and political interests of the dominant ideology have been prioritised at the expense of the emotional, psychological, and material wealth of most people. We see this reflected not only in mental health provision, but across all domestic policy, from education to health and social care; housing to social welfare and benefits; and the trend away from liveable wages and decent working conditions.

Counsellors and psychotherapists with a critical understanding of these developments have been campaigning for years to protect and promote relational therapy as a space for open and mutual exploration of meaning and engagement in our lives – even while the machinery of utilitarian, transactional policy making continues to expand.

It is time for therapists and others concerned about the quality of relational life in our society to come together and take a stand.

Join us on 29th January to share our experiences and ideas about how we can ACT together to:

• stand up against the unilateral imposition of utilitarian psychological therapies

• campaign for more client-centred and community-based responses for everyone in need of psychological support, and

• share with each other alternative ways of working, as therapists with a commitment to the social model of emotional life and its struggles


10.00 : Chair’s welcome

10.05 : uACT: context and hopes Paul Atkinson

10.15 – 11.45 : Speakers Alia Butt and James Davies followed by questions and discussion.

11.45 – 12.00: Break

12.00: Setting the scene for break out groups

12.05 – 12.30 : Break out groups to discuss ideas for campaigning .

12.30 – 12.55: Plenary – sharing ideas for campaigning, networking and planning for the future

12.55 – 1.00: Closing remarks

Onlinevents is organising Zoom tech and administration


Alia Butt is a psychotherapist and a highly specialised CAMHS practitioner within the NHS. Convener of NHS Staff Voices, part of Keep Our NHS Public and a policial activist working across campaigns including Women Will Not Be Silenced.

James Davies gained his PhD in social and medical anthropology from the University of Oxford in 2006. He also qualified as a psychotherapist, working in organisations such as the NHS. James is a Reader in social anthropology and mental health at the University of Roehampton, London. He is author of the bestseller Cracked: why psychiatry is doing more harm than good, and the more recent Sedated: how modern capitalism created our mental health epidemic.

For more information email: [email protected]

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5 Costly Mistakes First-Time Authors Make For Book Publishing — Dhaka


Event description
Discover The New Book Publishing Guidelines and How They Can Benefit YOU! (Get Your Free Ticket Now Before They’re Gone!)

About this event

Learn The 5 Costly Mistakes First-Time Authors Make For Publishing Their Book (and How to Avoid Them)

(Secrets to Sell Thousands of Books, Get Readers to Leave Hundreds of Reviews, and Make Money as an Author, Even in This Post-COVID, Closed Bookstores World)

“First-Time Authors Book Publishing Masterclass”

Welcome to the First-Time Authors Masterclass by Sush, CEO and Founding Partner of Global Book Publishing.

Feel like you are not getting anywhere with your book writing and publishing because you get stuck with no one to give you a feedback ? 😕

Wondering how to publish your book right on the first attempt, without repeating the common mistakes that could cost you thousands?

Figuring a way to find the best chance of your book being a success?

I’m sure these questions are all sure to be on top-of-mind for any first-time author!

In this workshop, Susmita is going to show you exactly how you too can become a successful author of a well-published book within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 15 years and thousands of people have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE.

During this Masterclass, you will learn exactly how to avoid the common mistakes First-Time Authors make while publishing their book, including:

  • 👍Strategies – How to Start Writing and Publishing your book TODAY, irrespective of which ‘Publishing Path’ you choose
  • 🙅🏽‍♀️Mistakes – Learn the top 5 Mistakes to avoid you must avoid while publishing
  • 📄 How to market your book right and convert your book into a recurring source of income
  • 🚀 A detailed step-by-step explanation of the Complete Publishing Process
  • 📚 Pros and Cons of Different Publishing Paths
  • 💰 Royalties and Cost associated with each type of books
  • 📦 Global Distribution of your Book
  • ☝️ The insider secrets to successfully publish a best-selling book
  • 🚀Guaranteed – Over 20,000 students have learned this format and it has worked, I guarantee that you will be at the next level in your Book Publishing Journey after attending this masterclass
  • 💻ONLINE Event – This is a live and interactive ONLINE Masterclass.

In case you miss the live session, I will send you the recording of the live session, but I would suggest you to attend live because you would be able to ask the questions and learn much more.

Frequently asked questions…

  • Is it in-person Masterclass or virtual Masterclass? This is a virtual Masterclass and you can attend it from the comfort of your home
  • Is this workshop helpful to non-fiction writers or children books ? Definitely! The processes and strategies taught are geared towards everyone, including non-fiction writers, fiction writers and children book writers. The template is useful if you are looking for a job or are currently working and looking to make a change in your career or even if you’re applying to a new school.
  • Would you help me decide which Publishing Path to choose? Yes, we cover about the different publishing paths and pros/cons of each path, so that you can choose the best path to move forward and publish your book

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. One of the best publishing workshops I have ever attended. Keep up the good work.”

—Yun Maize

“Before attending the workshop, I thought it is going to all about selling but I was amazed by the amount of knowledge Susmita shares about the different worlds of publishing and how it should be done, I am thrilled to have attended this workshop.”

—Sylvia Gomez

“The best publishing workshop I have attended so far. The host teaches everything about book publishing. The amount of information I have received in these 90 minutes is invaluable. Thank you for doing this.”

—Marlene M.


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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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Feng Shui Monthly Energy Shift WorkshopFeng Shui Monthly Energy Shift Workshop


Event description
The workshop is designed to help you understand how you can shift the energy of your space and tap into success.

About this event

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Feng Shui, how it can be applied to your space, and tips you can implement immediately upon completion.

You will learn about the following and more within the event.

In what ways can Feng Shui help you?

  • Finding a home or business office
  • Strengthening and improving relationships
  • Getting a job, a raise or promotion
  • Enhancing study and focus on your field of interest
  • Stimulating your social or romantic life
  • Boosting reputation
  • Improving health
  • Increasing Fertility
  • Preventing accidents
  • Preventing legal conflicts

What is the difference between permanent, annual and monthly energy?

How did feng shui come about?

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Koshto By AvoidRafa (Bhaar) ।। কষ্ট – এভয়েড রাফা (ভার)


আকাশটা ভাঙ্গুক অথবা নাই ভাঙ্গুক,
উড়ে যাবার কোনো ইচ্ছে নেই আমার
হার-জিত আজ এখানেই থাকুক
কেমন করে জানি সৃষ্টি হল পথ,
চলে যাবার
তাও, যেখানেই থাকো না কেন
আকাশ ঝলসানো ঐ চাঁদ
যদি দৃষ্টি কেড়ে নেয়
খানিকের জন্য
আমাকে মনে করতে যেও না ভুলে
যদি কষ্ট চেপে ধরে নিঃশ্বাস
হারিয়ে যাওয়ার নেই কোনো বাধা

অনেকটা পথ আগলে রেখে
চোখ ধাঁধানো অন্ধকারে
ছাড়বো ছাড়বো করে
ছাড়া হয় নি তোমার হাত
জানালাতে চুপটি করে
আমার গাওয়া গানের কথায়
একটু হেসো

পারব না আমি তোমায় ছাড়া
ঐ নীল আকাশটাকে ভালবাসতে
কি বা আসে যায়
এই ক্ষুদ্র মানুষটার কষ্টে
যদি বৃষ্টি নামে তোমার চোখে
জেনে রেখো নেই আমি আর ঐ মেঘের দেশে
এই কি কষ্ট?
আবছা শীতল ছায়ার মত
মাঝরাতে থমকে থাকা চাঁদের মত
খুব বিশাল সমুদ্রের মাঝে হারিয়ে যাওয়ার মত
অথবা বুক কাঁপানো কোনো ভয়ের মত?
পারব না আমি তোমায় ছাড়া
ঐ নীল আকাশটাকে ভালবাসতে
কি বা আসে যায়
এই ক্ষুদ্র মানুষটার কষ্টে
যদি বৃষ্টি নামে তোমার চোখে
জেনে রেখো নেই আমি আর ঐ মেঘের দেশে

পারব না আমি তোমায় ছাড়া
ঐ নীল আকাশটাকে ভালবাসতে
কি বা আসে যায়
এই ক্ষুদ্র মানুষটার কষ্টে
যদি বৃষ্টি নামে তোমার চোখে
জেনে রেখো নেই আমি আর ঐ মেঘের দেশে…


Source by cxt

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The Resume Makeover Masterclass — Dhaka


Event description
Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

About this event

Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

“Resume Makeover Masterclass” – Over 40,000+ People Taught!

Get Up To 17 Interviews In As Little As 3 Weeks By Making Few Small Tweaks To Your Job Search (Even If You’ve Tried Everything And Still Haven’t Been Able To Get A Job)

JOB SEEKERS: Spending Countless Hours Applying for Jobs With No Interviews?

“DISCOVER HOW I GET PAST APPLICATION SYSTEMS & GET UP TO 6 INTERVIEWS A WEEK…And How You Can Do The Same Even If You’re Struggling To Get Past Online Applications, Have Limited Experience or Limited Network!”

It is a 2-hour workshop, where Ash teaches you Proven Job Search Strategy right from scratch, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the job search process.

Feel like your resume is getting lost in a black hole when applying on job boards because you get no responses back? 😕

Confused about where and how to start the job search?

Getting frustrated with no response from recruiters and hiring managers?

Wondering why are you hardly getting any interview calls, even after sending numerous resumes?

I’m sure these questions are on top-of-mind for any job seeker!

In this workshop, Ash is going to show you exactly how you too can land your next job within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 11 years and thousands of professionals have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE.

During this Masterclass, you will learn exactly how to fix the top job search mistakes and land your next job in the next 60 days or less, including:

  • 📄Resume Template — The best resume template and format built from scratch; tried, tested, and successful at top companies around the world.
  • 🙅🏽‍♀️#1 Mistake — Discover and Avoid the #1 Mistake you are making in Your Job Search That Could Be Costing You Many Job Offers
  • 😷Understand The Pandemic Effect — Has the worldwide pandemic changed the job search process? If yes, does it hurt your current job and your next job search?
  • 👍Insider Strategies — Learn unique tips and insider strategies on why certain things matter and why other things don’t and how to best use them to give you an advantage during recruiting.
  • 🤖Beat The Bots — Learn how to beat the Applicant Tracking System and maximize your job interviews despite recent upgrades to the ATS Bot system
  • 🚀Guaranteed — Over 40,000 students have learned this format and it has worked, I guarantee that you will be a stronger candidate after attending this masterclass
  • 💻ONLINE Event — This is a live and interactive ONLINE Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Would this workshop be helpful to experienced individuals as well? Definitely! The job search strategies and template are geared towards everyone including professionals and students. The template is useful if you are looking for a job or are currently working and looking to make a change in your career or even if you’re applying to a new school.
  • What industry is this resume useful for? This workshop is useful to all industries including IT / Technology Companies, IBD, Consulting and Sales Professionals, or any other industry. It is a robust format that is accepted across all Fortune 500 companies and has proven results.
  • What if I already have a job?: If you are currently employed, even if it’s in a job you love, it’s not likely that this will be the job you have until you retire! Whether it’s for a new job, new academic program, or annual evaluation, you WILL need a resume in the future, and likely more than one. When that dream job comes along, wouldn’t you prefer to have your best resume ready to go?

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Ash coached me during a challenging time of personal and professional transition and helped me get my dream job within a month.”

—Alex G.

“Great Masterclass! Love being hands on and highly interactive workshop!

It helped me understand different aspects of Resume which I didn’t even know existed. I was able to do so much in those 2 hours, much more than I did in last 11 years. Thank you Ash for putting it together”

—Saurabh S.

“Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. One of the best career workshops I have ever attended. Keep up the good work and God bless you for giving me hope.”

—Ken B.


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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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Let's Talk… Conversations on Race, Equity, & BelongingLet's Talk… Conversations on Race, Equity, & Belonging


Event description
Our nation has been re-awakened to the systemic racism that exists. How do we start to VALUE DIFFERENCE in the workplace… Let’s Talk…

About this event

There is still SO MUCH to talk about when it comes to systemic racism and often times there is not a safe space with which to have these conversations, ask questions, self reflect, learn from others and identify the next action step.

Let’s Talk…Conversations about Race, Equity & Belonging is a SAFE space for all colors, all races, and all ethnicities in which to grow ourselves and our community to create a more inclusive world.

We ask that you come to the conversation with:

  • An open heart
  • An open mind
  • Respect for others

Gandhi said it best when he said:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”.

This platform is an opportunity for all of us to be the change!

So, Let’s Talk… and then TAKE ACTION!

Join us every month as we will discuss various topics as it relates to systemic racism, identity, equity, and belonging. We will have guest facilitators, panelists, speakers, along with breakout rooms for more meaningful and intimate discussion and connection.

In January we will talk about a topic in which many have been conditioned to feel uncomfortable– RACISM.

And yet, it happens every single day in every part of our world.

And still, we do not talk about it, we do not address it consistently and we have not moved the dial in a way that is sustainable.

Hear from an incredibly diverse panel on what has changed, what hasn’t changed, racism then and now and so much more.

Let’s Talk….

Here are some of our previous topics we have covered in past Let’s Talks…

  • Mixed Race – May 2021
  • Mixed Race- Part 2 – Unintentional Harm – June 2021
  • Code Switching- July 21, 2021
  • LGBTQIA+ : August 18, 2021
  • Overcoming Toxic Work Environments: Sept 22, 2021
  • DEI – Unfiltered: Oct 20, 2021
  • Allyship and Beyond: Nov 18, 2021
  • Racism — Jan 20, 2022
  • Mental Health
  • Hair
  • Colorism
  • Privilege
  • Politics
  • Bias

See you soon.

		Let's Talk... Conversations on Race, Equity, & Belonging image

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Chittagong Video Speed Dating – Filter Off


Event description


The Chittagong video speed dating event is the most effective way for men and women to meet. Whether you are recently single, new in town, or have been single for a while, this event is for you.

To attend our video speed dating events, make sure to download the app here. This is an online event for Chittagong singles only.

Every Friday we’ll set up Chittagong specific speed dating sessions and set you up on three, 90-second dates!

Filter Off is modeled after real-world speed dating and is designed to get those with confidence, courage and crazy schedules meeting each other face-to-face. We look at your age, location, height and education preferences and attempt to find someone that fits all of them.

These events will take place in the Chittagong, Bangladesh area.

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Online Dating – Filter Off


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