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The Job Search Accelerator Masterclass — Dhaka


Event description
Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

About this event

Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job

“The 2021 Job Search Accelerator Workshop” – Over 10,000+ People Taught!

Get Up To 17 Interviews In As Little As 3 Weeks By Making A Few Small Tweaks To Your Job Search (Even If You’ve Tried Everything And Still Haven’t Been Able To Get A Job)

JOB SEEKERS: Spending Countless Hours Applying for Jobs With No Interviews?

“DISCOVER HOW I GET PAST APPLICATION SYSTEMS & GET UP TO 6 INTERVIEWS A WEEK…And How You Can Do The Same Even If You’re Struggling To Get Past Online Applications, Have Limited Experience or Limited Network!”

It is a 3-hour workshop, where Ash teaches you Proven Job Search Strategy right from scratch, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the job search process.

Feel like your resume is getting lost in a black hole when applying on job boards because you get no responses back? 😕

Confused about where and how to start the job search?

Getting frustrated with no response from recruiters and hiring managers?

Wondering why are you hardly getting any interview calls, even after sending numerous resumes?

I’m sure these questions are on top-of-mind for any job seeker!

In this workshop, Ash is going to show you exactly how you too can land your next job within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 11 years and thousands of professionals have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE.

During this Masterclass, you will learn exactly how to fix the top job search mistakes and land your next job in the next 60 days or less, including:

  • 🙅🏽‍#1 Mistake — Discover and Avoid the #1 Mistake you are making in Your Job Search That Could Be Costing You Many Job Offers
  • 😷Understand The Pandemic Effect — Has the worldwide pandemic changed the job search process? If yes, does it hurt your current job and your next job search?
  • 👍Insider Strategies — Learn unique tips and insider strategies on why certain things matter and why other things don’t and how to best use them to give you an advantage during recruiting.
  • 📄Resume Template — The best resume template and format built from scratch; tried, tested, and successful at top companies around the world.
  • 🤖Beat The Bots — Learn how to beat the Applicant Tracking System and maximize your job interviews despite recent upgrades to the ATS Bot system
  • 🚀Guaranteed — Over 40,000 students have learned this format and it has worked, I guarantee that you will be a stronger candidate after attending this masterclass
  • 💻ONLINE Event — This is a live and interactive ONLINE Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Would this workshop be helpful to experienced individuals as well? Definitely! The job search strategies and template are geared towards everyone including professionals and students. The template is useful if you are looking for a job or are currently working and looking to make a change in your career or even if you’re applying to a new school.
  • What industry is this resume useful for? This workshop is useful to all industries including IT / Technology Companies, IBD, Consulting and Sales Professionals, or any other industry. It is a robust format that is accepted across all Fortune 500 companies and has proven results.
  • What if I already have a job?: If you are currently employed, even if it’s in a job you love, it’s not likely that this will be the job you have until you retire! Whether it’s for a new job, new academic program, or annual evaluation, you WILL need a resume in the future, and likely more than one. When that dream job comes along, wouldn’t you prefer to have your best resume ready to go?

Here is what attendees said about the past events:

“Ash coached me during a challenging time of personal and professional transition and helped me get my dream job within a month.”

—Alex G.

“Great Masterclass! Love being hands on and highly interactive workshop!

It helped me understand different aspects of Resume which I didn’t even know existed. I was able to do so much in those 2 hours, much more than I did in last 11 years. Thank you Ash for putting it together”

—Saurabh S.

“Awesome Masterclass, loved each and every minute of it. Thank you so much Ash for sharing so many advanced tricks in such a simple manner. Keep up the good work and God bless you for giving me hope.”

—Ken B.


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Online – Anywhere w/Fast Wifi and Sound, Dhaka


Dhaka, Bangladesh 1205


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From house to home: Mel Backe-Hansen's guide to the 20s houseFrom house to home: Mel Backe-Hansen's guide to the 20s house


Event description
Discover how our ancestors of 100 years ago lead the way for transformation of housing across the country.

About this event

Discover how our ancestors of 100 years ago led the way for transformation of housing across the country.

After the First World War, there was a revolution of housing across Britain. The population demanded better housing for all, more investment into council housing, and changes to mortgages – all of which brought into play a much bigger rethinking of housing provision that would dominate the 1920s and extend into the 1930s.

In this fascinating talk, Melanie Backe-Hansen, house historian and co-author of A House Through Time, will take us into the world of houses in the 1920s.

About the speaker

Melanie Backe-Hansen is an independent historian, writer, and speaker, specialising in the social history of houses across the United Kingdom. Melanie is a research consultant for the popular BBC programme, A House Through Time, and to accompany the series Melanie has co-written the new book, A House Through Time, with historian David Olusoga. She was series historical consultant and on-screen expert for Phil Spencer’s History of Britain in 100 Homes (More4) and in October 2021 was contributing expert for BBC Radio 4 series, A Home of Our Own. She is also the author of House Histories: The Secrets Behind Your Front Door and Historic Streets and Squares: The Secrets on Your Doorstep.

What’s Online is a series of talks and events delivered by our experts and special guests. Talks last approximately 30-40 minutes, followed by a 15 minute Q&A.

This online talk will be presented on Microsoft Teams. You do not need a Teams account to join an event, and can select the Join anonymously option to join from your browser if preferred. If you are accessing the event from a mobile device, you will need to download the Teams app. For the best experience we recommend using either a laptop or desktop computer.

You will receive a reminder email, including a link to join in advance of the event. For more information on attending a Teams event, please visit:

Discover 20sPeople

A season of exhibitions, events and activities to celebrate the release of the 1921 Census of England and Wales.

		From house to home: Mel Backe-Hansen's guide to the 20s house image

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Aabar Cover By Juboraz


All instrumentation and vocals in this audio are performed by me (Yuvv rajj) and are no way meant to infringe on the copyrights of the main singer RAFA, and Band Aurthohin.
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শিরোনামঃ আবার
কন্ঠঃ রাফা
কথাঃ সুমন
টিউনঃ রাফা
অ্যালবামঃ অসমাপ্ত ২
ব্যান্ডঃ অর্থহীন

যদি হঠাৎ করেই দেখো
আমায় কোনো এক সকাল বেলাতে
দাড়িয়ে আছি তোমার পাশে মুখে এক চিলতে হাসি নিয়ে
তখন কি ঘুম ঘুম ঐ চোখে
উঠে বসবে অবাক বিস্ময়ে?
রাখবে তোমার ঐ কোমল হাত আমার এই হাতে?

ভাববে কি নতুন করে আবার তুমি
পুরোনো সব ইচ্ছেগুলোকে

আমি তো আবার
আসছি ফিরে
তোমার এই ঘরে আলো জ্বালাতে
হারাবে সব
অন্ধকারের পথগুলো
রাখবে যখন হাত এই হাতে

জানি ছিল অতীতটা তোমার
চারিদিক ছড়ানো অন্ধকার
ছিল না কেউ পাশে এসে, হাতটা তোমার ধরার
কিন্তু চলে যাবে সবকিছু আজ
যখন ভাঙ্গবে ঘুমটা আজ তোমার
দেখবে তুমি আজ আমায়, হাসছি আমি দাঁড়িয়ে

ভাববে কি নতুন করে আবার তুমি
পুরোনো সব ইচ্ছেগুলোকে

আমি তো আবার
আসছি ফিরে
তোমার এই ঘরে আলো জ্বালাতে
হারাবে সব
অন্ধকারের পথগুলো
রাখবে যখন হাত এই হাতে

ভেসে যাবে সব দুঃখ তোমার
হারাবে সব কষ্ট এবার
নিয়ে যাব স্বপ্নের দেশে
যেখানে বাস্তবতা হাসে

Source by JUBORAZ